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+372 6 112 734Winter tires
Using studded tyres is permitted after 15 October!
Using winter tyres is mandatory after 1 December!
In case of winter tyres, the minimum required tyre tread depth is 3 mm, but in order to ensure safety of yourself and other road users we recommend to replace winter tyres when tyre tread depth is 4 mm for studded tyre and 5 mm for siped winter tyre, or at least in every five years despite of their visible condition and tyre tread depth, because rubber lose its elasticity over time.
Choose siped winter tyres if you:
- drive mostly on major and maintained roads
- drive mostly in the city
- experienced to take into account road conditions and adjust your driving accordingly
Keep in mind that siped winter tyre:
- cause less damage to asphalt surfacing of the roads
- do not emit volatile road surface particles
- make less noise
- using studded tyres is prohibited in several countries, and thus siped tyres
- are better suited for a traveller than studded tyres
Choose studded tyres if you:
- drive mostly on smaller and less maintained roads
- drive early in the morning or at night on major roads, when there is frequent risk of icy road
- feel safer when driving the car with studded tyres
The advantage of studded tyre over siped tyre is evident primarily on icy road – when driving on snowy road, the siped tyres are even better than studded tyres; but they are no match to studded tyres in case of black ice.
In case of winter weather conditions, keep in mind that road holding, including on slippery road, does not depend on using studded or siped tyres alone. The driver must always consider road conditions and adjust the style or method of driving accordingly – i.e. reduce speed and be cautious when driving on slippery road.
During winter season, all tyres of a vehicle must be of the same type (studded/siped winter tyres).
It is important to keep in mind that the trailer and the vehicle towing the trailer must have same type of tyres!
If you are not sure about the safety of your tyres or the selection of new tyres, ask from our experts at – we will be happy to help you!
NB! Using worn winter tyres may put you, your family and other road users at risk!
Look for the selection of winter tyres by brands at below.
Or click on the link and proceed directly to the selection of winter tyres!
100% fit for your car
You can return the tires if the tire size is wrong. More info